A video blog, sometimes shortened to vlog (pronounced 'vlog', as opposed to 'v-log') is a form of blog for which the medium is video, and is a form of Web television. Entries often combine embedded video or a video link with supporting text, images, and other metadata. Entries can be recorded in one take or cut into multiple parts. It is also a very popular category on YouTube.
Video logs (vlogs) also often take advantage of web syndication to allow for the distribution of video over the Internet using either the RSS or Atom syndication formats, for automatic aggregation and playback on mobile devices and personal computers !
A friendship bracelet is a bracelet given by one person to another as a symbol of friendship. Friendship bracelets are often handmade, usually of embroidery floss or thread. There are various styles and patterns, but most are based on the same simple half-hitch knot. The making of friendship bracelets is a version of macrame.
The amount of thread used in bracelets varies depending on the pattern. The smallest pattern, a double chain knot, requires two strings. The candy stripe can have as few as three strings or as many as infinity strings, based on the desired thickness.
Friendship bracelets first became popular in the United States during the 1970s, and are commonly worn by both male and female teenagers. They are popular throughout the world.
Friendship bracelets are ancient, but their resurgence is modern. The 'fad' of friendship bracelets reappeared when they were seen on protesting Guatemalans.During protests into the disappearances of the Mayan Indians and peasants in Guatemala.The friendship bracelets were brought into the United States by religious groups for use in political rallies. Friendship bracelets can have many meanings and symbolic uses which includes friendship, folk art or social statements.In modern America, they are generally made by adolescent girls.
-Friendship bracelets – special forms.
-Tying a friendship bracelet.
-Pattern names vary slightly depending on location, but are overall similar.
-Alpha bracelets (with letters/symbols)
-Basic diagonal stripe
-Bordered chevron
-Broken ladder
-Candy Stripes
-Chinese Staircase
-Diagonal trees
-Dog den
-Double chain knot
-Double chevron
-Inverse chevron
-Rag rug
-Swirl and braids (a combination of a braid and Chinese staircase)
-Totem pole
-Zig zag[6]
-Flip Flop Zig Zag
-Flip Flop Candy Stripe
-The Egyptian
-The Wrap
-Christmas Tree
-Easter Egg
-Star of David
-Mini Hearts
check this video and for more videos visit : http://www.youtube.com/user/BeyondBracelets !